blogger was like so damm irritating?! for the past few days it says tt my blog has got dunno what problem is like stupid la! i cant blog! i cant even listen the song in my blog! damm it! lots of things have been happening! and ive got lots of pics to post up!! i will do it tonight! im gg to watch the movie run papa run now with baby! dinner will be at his place. & i will upload all the pics when im over thr & qian's birthday one also! (: *byes!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
i miss my brother now alr! ): he's over to thailand now~
pls rmb to buy me things back ok?! xDD ahahha. im now preparing to go for qian's
birthday celebration when i told her im not gg. xDD haha dun be too happy
& surprise when u see me there!! (: *LOVES! chaos! update again when im
back n pics will be uploaded!! :DD
back n pics will be uploaded!! :DD
Thursday, April 10, 2008
ya. ppl wonder why im not sleeping so late.. cos~ i feel asleep jus now.
xD haha. from 5:30-9:30 yes. im super tired n baby called me n ask. xiao jie uh?
u still dun wan wake up study uh? xDD haha. im tired ok? n ya. im super awake
now due to my 4 hrs of beauty sleep. :D haha. things to blog up. chinese oral! i think
i dint do as well as last time i can get like 4o marks but now i think i cant le la~ the
passage was way damm long n i cant even read alot of words. totally a shit. & the qns to
discuss with teachers are like save the earth. what can u talk abt?! but i think ms teh will
be good enough to let me pass. reb say that ms teh said only one student fail. i hope
its not me. seriously! my sch is damm lame. & its kinda like getting more n more
like budget?! even prom also wanna save money. is like gosh la! all the long prom
was in the hotel & like this yr we are gg to CSC(BB). & it cost us $60. i told my
brother abt this he ask me not to go. he rather ask me to go some chalte with
friends when every one fork out only around $40. n there will be
change back. i duno. but i wanna go cos this yr will be like my c
harbor's last yr. & if i dun go it will be like. super sad right? i hope the sch can
really change place pls! sian sia. & im trying my very best to study my chem.
after i blog i will go back n continue to study. my brother is getting crazy! he's gg
thailand soon. this sat. & he's playing dunno what silly thai songs la! *laughs!
im gonna miss his Irritation & calling me to help him do this n that. im gonna
wait for his present back for me n choco! xD hhahhaa! somthing i wanna ask
reb n elaine. eh? how u all do the qns sia?! asking me idiot qns when i dun
even understand n i dunno how to ans the qns! xD hahaha. im chatting to reb now.
pour-ing things out to me. **no matter what. he will always love u alrights??
he is stress of his work maybe. but if there is anything call me up! i will be ur listenning ear. :D**
its really the fact that i dun like 2008 yr. tradgic things have happen one by one.
slowly. everyone is super sad n stress this yr. even teachers are tearing for students.
and its like. sigh. i really dun like my upper sec sch life. i really miss the times when
we are in sec 2. its the best memory ive ever had n i miss 2/3 SERIOUSLY! ):
sigh. i gg off to study chem le. *nights peeps!!! :DDD
*pictures! (:
**guess who are they!! :D
super cute super babies!
LINA! (:
XXS! (:
ZAC! (:
**we all has got to be strong and have
the guts to cross the river ourself.
no one is gonna help u untill u pull
urself our of this place.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
its such a tiring day. chinese test today. super sucks.
as the whole passage came out from the chinese textbook and my
teacher dint tell us. she is super sucks ok?! i think i will flunk my
chinese. stupid~ its like a chinese can fail her MT? ya. apparently
she is failing it now & then. sad case right?! ya. super. exams are
really round the corner. my maths is like ok. im listening to the
lesson now. cos now n then mr tan will give us some hints for the
MYE. & i shall pass my maths pls! i wanna get better result compared to
last yr ok?! :D haha. my phone really scuks now. i cant even 3G my brother.
i have to use baby's phone. i shall get it change while the rate is still high.
xD haha. tts what weekeat tell me. but i dunno yet. gg to my cousin hp shop
soon! x)) i dunno what phone to change. n i cant find any phone better then my
previous white phone. the function is good compared to those silly models now.
alrights! im sleeping alr! gg sch tmr earlier to do hmwk. (: nights! :D
as the whole passage came out from the chinese textbook and my
teacher dint tell us. she is super sucks ok?! i think i will flunk my
chinese. stupid~ its like a chinese can fail her MT? ya. apparently
she is failing it now & then. sad case right?! ya. super. exams are
really round the corner. my maths is like ok. im listening to the
lesson now. cos now n then mr tan will give us some hints for the
MYE. & i shall pass my maths pls! i wanna get better result compared to
last yr ok?! :D haha. my phone really scuks now. i cant even 3G my brother.
i have to use baby's phone. i shall get it change while the rate is still high.
xD haha. tts what weekeat tell me. but i dunno yet. gg to my cousin hp shop
soon! x)) i dunno what phone to change. n i cant find any phone better then my
previous white phone. the function is good compared to those silly models now.
alrights! im sleeping alr! gg sch tmr earlier to do hmwk. (: nights! :D
tags replies! :D
Jaime: i miss u la girl!! :D haha. i wanna go ur hse
play! long time dint go le! xD
Janelle: ya. pls dun buy this phone. im changing
soon but no idea what model to buy. :D
Junle: ya. she song is dunno doing what stun la~
i cant even play in my com now! ): pls solve the
problem for me!! ))))))))))))))))))))):
Shiwei: ya! the onion. im damm pissed off with her ok?!
damm fcuk! and the xiao hong dian..
pls ask our dear elaine of what she have done ok?!
ive made her's handicapped also! xDD
Jaime: i miss u la girl!! :D haha. i wanna go ur hse
play! long time dint go le! xD
Janelle: ya. pls dun buy this phone. im changing
soon but no idea what model to buy. :D
Junle: ya. she song is dunno doing what stun la~
i cant even play in my com now! ): pls solve the
problem for me!! ))))))))))))))))))))):
Shiwei: ya! the onion. im damm pissed off with her ok?!
damm fcuk! and the xiao hong dian..
pls ask our dear elaine of what she have done ok?!
ive made her's handicapped also! xDD
Monday, April 7, 2008
ive just adjusted my whole blog. as the previous skin had giving
me problems. just using this first untill i found other nicer skins
alrights!! (: the songs had been giving me problem for the past 2
hrs untill reb came n help me.. gosh. it just took her 2 min
to tell me how to do. n i took 2 hrs. ok~ fanshu. u more clever then me today.
only today hor!! xDDD hahaha! *jkjk la!! xDD hahaha.
today i woke up super early at 5.30am to make breakfast for baby! (: haha. yes i made it
for my whole family! haha. im super nice right? yes! and i slept at 1am the
previous night. so today in sch im super tired. i keep on nood-ing and fhazrin
ask if im very tired. yes!! tired. after sch went home. intend to sleep but dint.
n drag till now. im very shagg now. meeting my girls & co for breakfast tmr.
(: im sleeping soon!! chaos! :D
*pictures!! (:
breakfast that i made for baby! :D
*my baby photo!! xD
*this is baby! :D
jaime: haha. nvm when we meet up then we
talk abt it agian! xD haha im broke la can my girl?!
xDD hahaha.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
alrights! i spend my whole weekend wisely!! haha. watching the show dou niu almost the whole time! xD haha. alrights. manage to help my mummy to do our family's breakfast tmr. then i realise im not as sleepy so i decided to blog before MONDAY comes... )): yes. its super sulky alrights! i hate school days. i hate teachers in the schools the main objective is to go to school and enjoy my time with my dearest friends! :D haha! alrights! i shall upload all the photo's that ive owe long time ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xDD hahaha!~

yes! she cried cos she got choked by super small chilli
when we were vistiting weekeat during the hospital times. (:

have u wondered what is inside of a mango seed? :D

silly qian was trying to figure out how to use
weekeat's phone as i told her its a touch SCREEN
phone! xDD ahaha. yes she is trying to touch the screen..... xDD

wiyah gave it to me!! its super delicious! :)

i love this pic!! :D

the objective is to show the nice cusion my
brother bought to put in his car. (:

east coast trip! (:




yes! she cried cos she got choked by super small chilli
when we were vistiting weekeat during the hospital times. (:
have u wondered what is inside of a mango seed? :D
silly qian was trying to figure out how to use
weekeat's phone as i told her its a touch SCREEN
phone! xDD ahaha. yes she is trying to touch the screen..... xDD
wiyah gave it to me!! its super delicious! :)
i love this pic!! :D
the objective is to show the nice cusion my
brother bought to put in his car. (:
east coast trip! (:



elaine did this to my xiao hong dian! xD
tags replies!
kangqi: no! the doctor is fine ok?! xDD hahaha.
i think is the medication giving wrongly by the
nurse in the clinic. xDDD hahahah!
janelle: erm. ya. its not really a very good phone.
it will off by its own nowadays and like giving me more
n more problems now. i dun really recomend u to get this phone. (:
宝宝: u are la! xDD hahah! ive been asking her for so long alr luh!!
then she still dun wanna tell me her blog link!! jaime! saw?!
hahahahhahaha!!!!! :D
jaime: yar. 宝宝 told me lei. the price is the same as normal time.
i cant go for k-lunch luh! im still studying. how's school?? (:
did she manage to get to the same sch as u? :D
gekcheng: relinked! (:
shiwei: eh! i wanna tell u smth!! i found a match to sardine alr!!
ONION!! XDDD ahhaha ! u knw who?? if u dunno who is the person ask
me in sch i tell u. xDD hahhaha!!!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
school was super scuks today! im damm pissed off of smth tt happen today in sch! its totally fcuk ok?! i found a good friend of sardine alr. i shall make it onion. it fits well with sardine. cooking them tgt n eat is superb! :D can u stop being a cat?! im alr very tired off wearing uniform the same alr! & yet u still wanna tie the same hair style as me. -.- duhh~ could u have ur own originality pls?! im angry & pissed off! *ARGH!*
What Jervis Sia Means |
![]() You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries. You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. You are very hyper. You never slow down, even when it's killing you. You're the type of person who can be a workaholic during the day... and still have the energy to party all night. Your energy is definitely a magnet for those around you. People are addicted to your vibe. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong. You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know. You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. |
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
yes! blogging time!! (: haha. same things goes on in sch.
laughter and lots of laughter! :D haha. its fun in sch but its a
tiring day. i woke up late today at 6.45am! but luckily i got in time!
:D praise me right?? hahaha!~ super good thing happen today! mummy
fixed another diamond spa for me! (: haha!! i love my mummy! its really
good i tell u! :) hahahah!! and another good thing is that we have got another
diamond purifier for FREE! when its original cost is at $900+ omg!
isnt it a super good thing?! haha. supper happy with those free things
going around me that will make ur health good! (: hahah! alrights! im
gonna sleep early today! im calling baby up to wake him up tmr!!
laughter and lots of laughter! :D haha. its fun in sch but its a
tiring day. i woke up late today at 6.45am! but luckily i got in time!
:D praise me right?? hahaha!~ super good thing happen today! mummy
fixed another diamond spa for me! (: haha!! i love my mummy! its really
good i tell u! :) hahahah!! and another good thing is that we have got another
diamond purifier for FREE! when its original cost is at $900+ omg!
isnt it a super good thing?! haha. supper happy with those free things
going around me that will make ur health good! (: hahah! alrights! im
gonna sleep early today! im calling baby up to wake him up tmr!!
i love him! and tks baby for the
breakfast!! i super love it! =*
breakfast!! i super love it! =*
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
[[ 3o march ]]
its APRIL FOOL'S DAY! haha! (: & yiqian trick me early in the morning. :D ok i let her win.. xD let me tell u all what she said alrights? she send me this msg early in the morning. 7:18am
qian: can call me now? something happen and i need someone to talk to. ):
me: i called her.. thruuu thruuuu~~~
qian: hello? jervis uh.
me: what? what happen to u?
qian: i know u love me alot right? i have something very serious to tell u. must listen carfully ok?
me: ok. what happen?
qian: actually hor. APRIL FOOL'S DAY! :D
went to the beach with baby's family and weekeat came along too!!
with my lil choco!! had picnic over there. curry chicken, seewead chicken,
noodles, fruits & wine was brought there! it was a super nice day! i got to
take those 2 seater bicycle with baby! its was like super fun!! i tell u. omg!
i really enjoyed the whole day there! even my dog played till his fullest! he's
super tired and he never sleep when i bring him out so many times but tt day
he slept when we were in the car. when i sleep on baby's shoulder choco
slept on my lap till i wake up he's still asleep. he's really tired. dinner's
over at lavander food center had zu chao over there. including my fav of wuo
tie & tang bao! xD hahaha! reach home at around 10.30pm. it was late
but it was a fun day! i will post the pics up when i use my desktop when
im home tmr! (: *btw! i know how to climb a tree but it was a night mare
when baby & his family trying to bully me! baby's mummy took
a video but weekeat accidentally deleted it. ): nvm. ya i was sad
but its ok! (: home sweet home!!
its APRIL FOOL'S DAY! haha! (: & yiqian trick me early in the morning. :D ok i let her win.. xD let me tell u all what she said alrights? she send me this msg early in the morning. 7:18am
qian: can call me now? something happen and i need someone to talk to. ):
me: i called her.. thruuu thruuuu~~~
qian: hello? jervis uh.
me: what? what happen to u?
qian: i know u love me alot right? i have something very serious to tell u. must listen carfully ok?
me: ok. what happen?
qian: actually hor. APRIL FOOL'S DAY! :D
i zitao sian half~~~ super early in the morning. when ive just bath and
preparing to go school she was the first one to fool me! :D haha.
but nice plan la qian. she send the msg to alot of ppl and they all
got trick like me! xDD hahaha. april fool's day... once a yr that u can
trick ur friend or ur family. the event tt ppl cant get angry with u
if u trick them. went home after sch as there's no AEP. but tragic
thing is that tmr there is geog test. -.- its super sian and tiring. im
watch dou niu now adays. i hope becca sister haven return the
show to the friend then i will chiong overnight to finish the show n
return to her. its a super nice show ok?!
baby's hse is FOREVER a nice place. his mummy & daddy's
cooking are superb! really! today's main dish was crab! :D i love
his mummy & daddy too! oof cos i love my real blood parents too! =*
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