rebecca, shiwei, shiqi, kass & elaine.
went to mini toons to buy plush toy
in order to make a family of plushy. haha!!
ive taken a family photo for the 4 of them.
elaine's- pipy & franky(lost)
rebecca's- monstey
mine- dummy
haha!! did u realise all have a ending of a *Y
elaine's idea. LOL! so we all named our plushes
all ending with a Y. after gg into mini toons, there
is a girl older than us in NTU wanted to take picture
of us. as she is doing a project. at first we all were
like reluctant to take picture but in the end nvm la.
just help them. but i told her she must send me all
the photo's she took for us. haha!! & she agreed n
took my e-mail. :DDD
so we helped her by allowing her to take picture of what
teenagers will do. n she treated us bubble tea as she need us
for more help. LOL! her name is call jane, & she bought us
all 6 cups of chocolate ice-blend excluding theirs. then we used
those as props to pose for her to take our pictures. after those shots
she thank us n went off. haha! i hope she will send me those photo's
so that i can see. haha!!
but seriously, jane was really cute. haha! :D *hope u pass ur project!
we've bid good-bye then off to the library to pay rebecca's
fine then we saw jane again! LOL! she say she need our help again to
take picture of anyone of us being serious studying n ask if anyone had
neoprints. haha! kass have one whole packet of neoprints.the moment
she pour all the picture's our jane was like real shock. LOL!
she was like super elated to see so many neoprints. haha!! :DD
then off she go again & we stayed in the library to play. haha! (:
took lots of picture i will post it up below n playing with shiqi's
FM S.H.E ablum's wrapper. HAHA!! alright, picture time!!!

haha! off to study now alr! :D
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