Lady it's ur bday today so it tell u that
u have grown up alr!! Don't make ur
fav. teacher angry le la. haha!!
ltr he stress I tell u. LOL. xD!
I've knew u for 2 yrs plus but we alr
but we have gone thru so many things
tgt alr!! such good memories right?!
HAHA!! n I hope u will like the present I give u.
I know it's abit not nice but I've spend
Über lots of time to do it one ok?! HAHA!
no matter what u wan u to like it. LOL!!
I know my present can't vs with chee chiong fan's
one but just bare with it!! I DONT CARE!! *:DD
joking la! last long huh!! (:
ok. I'm now damn tired cos continously I've
been like sleeping very late at around 12 plus
reaching 1am. yes n I'm damn tired. I'm
Telling myself that I must turn in earlier today!!
no more facebook. OMG* ok I can do it. HAHA!!
another thing it's my olvl MT oral today, n i think ive
screw everything up. I thought that I can score well
for oral man but I think I did very badly. sigh nvm. like
what mummy tell me. its ok if u have done ur best alr,
but I'm just feeling so disappointed with myself. ): sigh
nvm. I'm gg to mug hard alr. I think abt my oral I sian.
I DAMN HATE CHINA TEACHERS!! their Accent is damn
Fuck hard to understand!@&$(0/"
nvm. n worse of all I'm having sore throat. ):
I'm so disappointed with myself. TOTALLY**
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