*jer dun be so bhb ok? :DD*
LOL! ok im trying to be lame. haha!! im just so
happpyyyyyyyy muliply by a centillion. :DDDDD
the main reason is because i went in to the casino!
i know its like not a big deal but im underage ok?
i dont mind being matured now alr. having some benefit.
LOL!! n most of all Venetian largest single structure building
in asia n third largest building in the world. (according to wikipedia
&&& ive only paid for an air ticket yet i can go to 3 countries.
so i felt that its a super worth while trip n i really shop
till i drop. LOL!!! xDDD in total we went to Zhu Hai(china),
Macau & Hong Kong. (: please dont think that Zhu Hai is
an isolated island in china. n dont think that u wont spend
much there as u cant even find any website abt it even in
yahoo. LOL! ive spend the most at Zhu Hai. their things there
are cheap... provided u have to bargain $$ with them n act to walk
away when they dont give u the price that u said. haha!!
ive did that alot of times n while u are walking away u will
be like mumbling : "pls come n pull me back to ur shop!!!"
HAHAH!!! its true. but sometimes if they are really an ass
n u like the things very much, no chioce u will have to be
thick-skinned enough to walk back to the shop n say u
want it. :DDDDD
in total ive like spend like approximately S$500
in shopping but it will cost so much is mainly also ive
bought a coach wallet that i longgggg wanted to
pamper myself as ive been working like a bull for
the past 2mths. :D so its all worth it for all the effort.
haha!! i dont wanna talk too much alr. if not it will
be a very wordy post. n im super lazy to upload the
picures to blogger one by one so ive made an album
n please click on the cute icon below to see my pictures!
but u wont see me in there. cos i took it off. HAHA!! :DD

** ive had a very wonderful trip with all the aunties n uncles.
no i should have said all the sexy mummy's n hunky daddy's!
haha! :DD
***gosh its 1:51am now. ive to wake up at 7:30am
to go work T.T *pls hope tt i wont look like a panda the next day.
finger cross-ed!!!!!!!!! & dont blame me if
there are repeated pictures cos my eyes are barely open now.
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