Thursday, February 28, 2008
*SMILES!! =DD im now in school blogging!! :DD its like super funny luhh!! teacher walking here n there then we keep on minimise n all!! xDD hahaha. we dint even listen what teacher say but then we keep on do out own things! xDD mr tan keep on suspect us that we are gg to other website then we keep on saying we dind go! xDD super funny la! xDD. ok im gg to end off with this all. i shall go home then i upload the pics that ive taken today alright?? (: **LOVES!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
same things happen as usual but during AEP i tell u
is super funny cos it was maths lesson and it was like
kinda bored. becca have fell asleep. shiqi n i was like
laughing like hell abt her pose n her stun luhh!!

this was before i woke her up. no stun at first. xDD

she act one holding a pen!! xDD let u see wad she write! xDD below!!

ok! saw?? she dint even touch the paper!! it was like super funny luh!! xD!

u all saw what she write?! xDD hahaha! lols!
*ok this is for rebecca! xDD
dun do such silly stun's in class le ok?! xDD hahaha
i will take photo de ok!? :DD hahahah! im a private investigator!!!
is super funny cos it was maths lesson and it was like
kinda bored. becca have fell asleep. shiqi n i was like
laughing like hell abt her pose n her stun luhh!!

this was before i woke her up. no stun at first. xDD

she act one holding a pen!! xDD let u see wad she write! xDD below!!

ok! saw?? she dint even touch the paper!! it was like super funny luh!! xD!

u all saw what she write?! xDD hahaha! lols!
*ok this is for rebecca! xDD
dun do such silly stun's in class le ok?! xDD hahaha
i will take photo de ok!? :DD hahahah! im a private investigator!!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
i long dint blog. lotsa things gg on this few days n im really
very tired out of all these stressful things gg on in school.
ppl will cry, have laugher, be disappointed out of things
that wasnt wad they expected. out of the whole idea is to
learn how to stand up out of this things happening to u. my
darling girl was super sad due to test marks (my dear dun
be sad le alrights?? i understand how u feel i had it before) .
ppl started to change n i really dun know why. n teacher's
in this sch really sucks except a handful who REALY understands
us. infact i think only teachers who are close to students really
understand students. form teacher mr tan i dun understand
why is he 'joining' our class n is like no one really likes him.
due to small lil things he make it till like a big fuss! its like!
wads the point man! stupid la! really. acting one who really
concern about us but i only think he only wanna claim credit
from our class to tell ppl he is such a good teachers to get
such a good class or whatever. i really had enough of him.
thinking of my maths is in his hand i really dun wanna think much.
i shall have a good tutor n get A for my maths n let him see i can
get A w/o him teaching me. i really dun know. finally all the test ARE OVER!
no more! today's geog test was the last one. i dont have much
confidence but i really hope i can pass. my chem test i pass.
got 14/25 its like super LUCKY! cos i really dint expect that i
can pull through. i really hate the chinese teacher luh! all the
nonsense always asking us to write faster n all is like! cmon!
its not u who is writing alrights?? no one really can understand
each other n now i really understand that no one is perfect.
i wont say that im perfect & dun tell m e u dont wanna achieve
to be the best right?? im gonna listen to mr melvin (my outside tutor).
"just suffer n study for the 6 months & u will never regret after u get ur result.
it will be wad u really wanna achieve. " i will start studying next
week tgt with him. im really gonna go home early n start to have
a time table soon! im gonna follow for the rest of my days.
n MYE is coming soon. round the corner 25th march-08th april.
**good luck to all!**
went to watch the movie L [change the world] with rebecca, shiwei, yiqian & junle. not a very nice show but if u like L of cos u will like it. overall rating 3/5 *i still prefer the game plan 5/5! :DD
very tired out of all these stressful things gg on in school.
ppl will cry, have laugher, be disappointed out of things
that wasnt wad they expected. out of the whole idea is to
learn how to stand up out of this things happening to u. my
darling girl was super sad due to test marks (my dear dun
be sad le alrights?? i understand how u feel i had it before) .
ppl started to change n i really dun know why. n teacher's
in this sch really sucks except a handful who REALY understands
us. infact i think only teachers who are close to students really
understand students. form teacher mr tan i dun understand
why is he 'joining' our class n is like no one really likes him.
due to small lil things he make it till like a big fuss! its like!
wads the point man! stupid la! really. acting one who really
concern about us but i only think he only wanna claim credit
from our class to tell ppl he is such a good teachers to get
such a good class or whatever. i really had enough of him.
thinking of my maths is in his hand i really dun wanna think much.
i shall have a good tutor n get A for my maths n let him see i can
get A w/o him teaching me. i really dun know. finally all the test ARE OVER!
no more! today's geog test was the last one. i dont have much
confidence but i really hope i can pass. my chem test i pass.
got 14/25 its like super LUCKY! cos i really dint expect that i
can pull through. i really hate the chinese teacher luh! all the
nonsense always asking us to write faster n all is like! cmon!
its not u who is writing alrights?? no one really can understand
each other n now i really understand that no one is perfect.
i wont say that im perfect & dun tell m e u dont wanna achieve
to be the best right?? im gonna listen to mr melvin (my outside tutor).
"just suffer n study for the 6 months & u will never regret after u get ur result.
it will be wad u really wanna achieve. " i will start studying next
week tgt with him. im really gonna go home early n start to have
a time table soon! im gonna follow for the rest of my days.
n MYE is coming soon. round the corner 25th march-08th april.
**good luck to all!**
went to watch the movie L [change the world] with rebecca, shiwei, yiqian & junle. not a very nice show but if u like L of cos u will like it. overall rating 3/5 *i still prefer the game plan 5/5! :DD
Thursday, February 14, 2008
im super excited today & ive long wanted this
day to arrive asap!! xD ive recieve so many
presents this yr!! omg. i really dint expect so
many is like one whole plastic bag n i really wanna
thank all those ppl who gave me!! *junle kassandra
rebecca shiwei yiqian kangqi kaiying elaineOH~ xD
elaine jasmine pingshi yuzhen lina indri liwen
yuchuan nurul & nilah!! *THANKS EVERYONE!!
i really love it all!! (: after school went to watch
movie / ahlong!! xD super funny n its almost the same
as the show i watch last time my wife is a gangster~
ya!! but im jus super happy today alrights??! & abi!!
im sorry that what have happen today!! cheer up ya??!
he will realise u are a gem to him!! *ILOVEU!! xD
*re: i LOVE him e most!! (:
happy valentine my dear!! *
im super excited today & ive long wanted this
day to arrive asap!! xD ive recieve so many
presents this yr!! omg. i really dint expect so
many is like one whole plastic bag n i really wanna
thank all those ppl who gave me!! *junle kassandra
rebecca shiwei yiqian kangqi kaiying elaineOH~ xD
elaine jasmine pingshi yuzhen lina indri liwen
yuchuan nurul & nilah!! *THANKS EVERYONE!!
i really love it all!! (: after school went to watch
movie / ahlong!! xD super funny n its almost the same
as the show i watch last time my wife is a gangster~
ya!! but im jus super happy today alrights??! & abi!!
im sorry that what have happen today!! cheer up ya??!
he will realise u are a gem to him!! *ILOVEU!! xD
*re: i LOVE him e most!! (:
happy valentine my dear!! *
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
i woke up late today! omg. i woke up at 6.3oam but heng
my daddy jus nice dome home then i ask him to send me
to school cos mskom wanna talk to us n gotta reach in
class by 7.1oam. meet becca at canteen cos i wanna buy
bao~ but they dint sell. sian! nvm. went to class mskom
talk to us. she almost cried again but she dint n gave us
those lil oranges!! XD haha. lesson as per usual for the
first two period & its quite fun~ happily playing with
kaiying n doing homework! xD haha. soon after then
we gotta go to hall for the performance. its super sian
& all the girls were like trying to make the mood high!
but dunno why they all super high~ :DDDDD after sch
went to lot one to buy somethings & present for choco
new yr present. xDD hahaha!! happily playing the toy
now and i think after a few months it will spoils. he's a super
rough dog. :) went back home early in order to bring my
dog to see the doctor. DR. heng says that he's having skin
allergies and gave him an injection and he felt nothing sia!
omg. i trust this doctor compared to another one. anyhow
one luhh!! make my dog cry. *grins! went back home to prepare
for new yr! haha! help my mummy to wash this n that then 5+
went over to my aunty's place to have dinner! sharks fin soup
was UBER nice!! then playing with the 2 kids then found out
that xavier having high fever! 38.9degree! omg. i hope he will
recover quickly. & his birthday is on the 3rd day of new yr.
XAVIER faster heal okok??! play with me during new yr!!
xD! i miss my boy too! *): i LOVE him OK?! :D
* 55mins more to CHINESE NEW YEAR!!
i hope all of the chinese people will get
many ang pao alrights??! haha!!
& 4 days more he's back!*(:
my daddy jus nice dome home then i ask him to send me
to school cos mskom wanna talk to us n gotta reach in
class by 7.1oam. meet becca at canteen cos i wanna buy
bao~ but they dint sell. sian! nvm. went to class mskom
talk to us. she almost cried again but she dint n gave us
those lil oranges!! XD haha. lesson as per usual for the
first two period & its quite fun~ happily playing with
kaiying n doing homework! xD haha. soon after then
we gotta go to hall for the performance. its super sian
& all the girls were like trying to make the mood high!
but dunno why they all super high~ :DDDDD after sch
went to lot one to buy somethings & present for choco
new yr present. xDD hahaha!! happily playing the toy
now and i think after a few months it will spoils. he's a super
rough dog. :) went back home early in order to bring my
dog to see the doctor. DR. heng says that he's having skin
allergies and gave him an injection and he felt nothing sia!
omg. i trust this doctor compared to another one. anyhow
one luhh!! make my dog cry. *grins! went back home to prepare
for new yr! haha! help my mummy to wash this n that then 5+
went over to my aunty's place to have dinner! sharks fin soup
was UBER nice!! then playing with the 2 kids then found out
that xavier having high fever! 38.9degree! omg. i hope he will
recover quickly. & his birthday is on the 3rd day of new yr.
XAVIER faster heal okok??! play with me during new yr!!
xD! i miss my boy too! *): i LOVE him OK?! :D
* 55mins more to CHINESE NEW YEAR!!
i hope all of the chinese people will get
many ang pao alrights??! haha!!
& 4 days more he's back!*(:
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
yupp. im gonna post frequently now a day. im bored nth
to do and i jus miss him. sigh~ *): lots of things happened
when he's not around. the class was super horrible & a very
serious things have happened. went to school alone. being
so weird when i stepping into class myself. and mskom blew
up on us during chem lesson today. as we dint do our
chemical equation. we did do~ but its jus that we are afraid
that we will get it wrong and we dint dare to go up n do so
we stood up. in the end she slowly call us up n do almost 3/4
of the class dint do untill lina went to do it. then she was super
angry with us and walk out of the class after that. *SO huda
n co. went to find mskom back but she says that she need time
to cool down n she wont be going to class. the whole class was
feeling extremely mood-less and thinking of plans to make her
happy. but still during CE lesson she dint come back. she gave
us a worksheet n went off. we felt even more guilty of what we've
done and yet she really got very disappointed on us. PRE-EMS
knows that she had high hopes on us and she really protect us like
children but all we did was to run over ur head. mskom we are
really very sorry and please forgive us alrights? we all say that
we are sincere but we dint proof it to u. this time round i will really
buck up & be prepared my aim is to be the stright A's kid! *(:
chinese new yr's celebrations tmr! so half day in school~ im worried
for my dog he seems to have some pimple like thingy on his head and
now it got bigger n bigger like swollen. n today his vet is not open.
i hope its open tmr if not i gotta bring him to the hospital alr.
after school went to cabin with reb; qi; wei; kang; kaiying elaine & qian
cos we have duty today. went off to cabin after AEP it was super funny
today~ went to play uno stacko and stupid lower sec students are playing a prank on us.
lame idiots. really. damm fed-up with them keep on disturbing us
kpkb here and there. in the end all quiet quiet then we stay in
counseling room to talk about ghost story that we have heard before
untill we seat closer n closer to each other. after that we started playing rowing
the boat using sofa n man-made moving. xD haha. people on
top are jus acting to move but its being push by us. xDD!! haha
video's are uploaded to let u see! *(: stupid elaine started
doing stuns and we all start playing like hell~ haha!!
`the moment when i recieve ur msg~
im super happy n i must pass for
my ss test in order to show u
im not that silly!! xDD haha
*MANY things have happen n i dunno who to tell to.
so i'll blog often this week! *(:
&throwing the stacko's n see who win! xD!
&me n elaine rowing the boat with our guitar behind. xD!
& its shiwei n qian's turn!! =DD
&then kangqi n becca's turn saw their hands holding
on to the stick?? ya they say its their paddle. xD!!!!
&ya! silly elaine trying to act as indian
princess~ dancing like duck!! haha!!
thats all~ (: enjoy those video's uh!! xDD
&NIGHTS everyone! 5 days more & he's back*=D
to do and i jus miss him. sigh~ *): lots of things happened
when he's not around. the class was super horrible & a very
serious things have happened. went to school alone. being
so weird when i stepping into class myself. and mskom blew
up on us during chem lesson today. as we dint do our
chemical equation. we did do~ but its jus that we are afraid
that we will get it wrong and we dint dare to go up n do so
we stood up. in the end she slowly call us up n do almost 3/4
of the class dint do untill lina went to do it. then she was super
angry with us and walk out of the class after that. *SO huda
n co. went to find mskom back but she says that she need time
to cool down n she wont be going to class. the whole class was
feeling extremely mood-less and thinking of plans to make her
happy. but still during CE lesson she dint come back. she gave
us a worksheet n went off. we felt even more guilty of what we've
done and yet she really got very disappointed on us. PRE-EMS
knows that she had high hopes on us and she really protect us like
children but all we did was to run over ur head. mskom we are
really very sorry and please forgive us alrights? we all say that
we are sincere but we dint proof it to u. this time round i will really
buck up & be prepared my aim is to be the stright A's kid! *(:
chinese new yr's celebrations tmr! so half day in school~ im worried
for my dog he seems to have some pimple like thingy on his head and
now it got bigger n bigger like swollen. n today his vet is not open.
i hope its open tmr if not i gotta bring him to the hospital alr.
after school went to cabin with reb; qi; wei; kang; kaiying elaine & qian
cos we have duty today. went off to cabin after AEP it was super funny
today~ went to play uno stacko and stupid lower sec students are playing a prank on us.
lame idiots. really. damm fed-up with them keep on disturbing us
kpkb here and there. in the end all quiet quiet then we stay in
counseling room to talk about ghost story that we have heard before
untill we seat closer n closer to each other. after that we started playing rowing
the boat using sofa n man-made moving. xD haha. people on
top are jus acting to move but its being push by us. xDD!! haha
video's are uploaded to let u see! *(: stupid elaine started
doing stuns and we all start playing like hell~ haha!!
`the moment when i recieve ur msg~
im super happy n i must pass for
my ss test in order to show u
im not that silly!! xDD haha
*MANY things have happen n i dunno who to tell to.
so i'll blog often this week! *(:
&throwing the stacko's n see who win! xD!
&me n elaine rowing the boat with our guitar behind. xD!
& its shiwei n qian's turn!! =DD
&then kangqi n becca's turn saw their hands holding
on to the stick?? ya they say its their paddle. xD!!!!
&ya! silly elaine trying to act as indian
princess~ dancing like duck!! haha!!
thats all~ (: enjoy those video's uh!! xDD
&NIGHTS everyone! 5 days more & he's back*=D
Monday, February 4, 2008
[[ o2 feb ]]
woke up super early cos my aunty forget that the piano tuner is coming~ and i'm that stupid enough to remember the wrong date of doing my mani & pedicure!! -.* ya. its that stupid of me ok?! xD! haha . then watch tv after awhile my cousin they all come le. cos tonight we are having our dinner tgt as a big family before new yr. whole day of preparation and i did help here n there. thinking that im still having my tuition lesson at 7pm makes me tired. & so nice of my ahma to ask me not to go for tuition and stay at home to enjoy the fun! xD!! haha. im super glad luhh!! *(: ahha. dinner was SUPER duper wonderful~@#@#$ we had crab ; fish ; curry ; and dunno wad dish is it call which has lotsa good food inside ( abalone ; scallop ; oyster ; duck & many else luhh!) anyway its jus nice~ super! after that we had our yu sheng~ i tell u its super funny. u will understand when pics are being uploaded~ xD!! haha. but not so soon luhh. my soucin haven send me yet. when pics are ready i shall show u all! xD! haha!
[[ o3 feb ]]
woke up at 9 to get ready to go TMK hub for my medi & pedicure appointment at 11.3oam with min karen n my aunty. we all reach there n started doing till 2 plus haha! i love my nails! i did nail art n french on my toes n normal colour on my hand. yupp then went back n got to his hse. take wa dan hor for dinner as he's always pestering to eat that a few days ago but i still went to eat other things. xDD haha. but now u've eaten alr right? xDD haha. sigh he's leaving soon to ipoh~ ): i hate it! spending the rest of the whole week of new yr myself in s'pore! yes! & its the fact. nvm~ out with my family members n friends! i will take care of myself yo! xD! haha. enjoy ur new yr over at ipoh too! *(:
[[ o4 feb ]]
school as per usual. but kinda slackk cos lesson today was like part of short n fast. CE watched show then accembly for a play then after sch!! AEP was canceled for my class as ms kom wasnt around n not free. xD! haha. went to teck whye to buy my school shoe but they say that sleese wont be out again! stupid the company die le la~ xD! haha. then went back home to prepare for tonights own family dinner with him n baobao n co. *(: steamboat was nice as before!! n i love it!
by the time we reach home its alr 11.3o n we are all tired i still have ss test tmr stupid n i haven even do my maths homewokr ex 1.3! xD! haha. *NIGHTS everyone!! i'll miss u my dear! do take care! =*
woke up super early cos my aunty forget that the piano tuner is coming~ and i'm that stupid enough to remember the wrong date of doing my mani & pedicure!! -.* ya. its that stupid of me ok?! xD! haha . then watch tv after awhile my cousin they all come le. cos tonight we are having our dinner tgt as a big family before new yr. whole day of preparation and i did help here n there. thinking that im still having my tuition lesson at 7pm makes me tired. & so nice of my ahma to ask me not to go for tuition and stay at home to enjoy the fun! xD!! haha. im super glad luhh!! *(: ahha. dinner was SUPER duper wonderful~@#@#$ we had crab ; fish ; curry ; and dunno wad dish is it call which has lotsa good food inside ( abalone ; scallop ; oyster ; duck & many else luhh!) anyway its jus nice~ super! after that we had our yu sheng~ i tell u its super funny. u will understand when pics are being uploaded~ xD!! haha. but not so soon luhh. my soucin haven send me yet. when pics are ready i shall show u all! xD! haha!
[[ o3 feb ]]
woke up at 9 to get ready to go TMK hub for my medi & pedicure appointment at 11.3oam with min karen n my aunty. we all reach there n started doing till 2 plus haha! i love my nails! i did nail art n french on my toes n normal colour on my hand. yupp then went back n got to his hse. take wa dan hor for dinner as he's always pestering to eat that a few days ago but i still went to eat other things. xDD haha. but now u've eaten alr right? xDD haha. sigh he's leaving soon to ipoh~ ): i hate it! spending the rest of the whole week of new yr myself in s'pore! yes! & its the fact. nvm~ out with my family members n friends! i will take care of myself yo! xD! haha. enjoy ur new yr over at ipoh too! *(:
[[ o4 feb ]]
school as per usual. but kinda slackk cos lesson today was like part of short n fast. CE watched show then accembly for a play then after sch!! AEP was canceled for my class as ms kom wasnt around n not free. xD! haha. went to teck whye to buy my school shoe but they say that sleese wont be out again! stupid the company die le la~ xD! haha. then went back home to prepare for tonights own family dinner with him n baobao n co. *(: steamboat was nice as before!! n i love it!
by the time we reach home its alr 11.3o n we are all tired i still have ss test tmr stupid n i haven even do my maths homewokr ex 1.3! xD! haha. *NIGHTS everyone!! i'll miss u my dear! do take care! =*
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